“I Want the Hips of a Dancer” is an exercise program created by On Point Physical Therapist Susan Masturzo. It is designed for anyone who wants to strengthen the muscles in your hips, whether you are an athlete or not. All you need for this program is a resistance band and a door.
- Put the knot of the resistance band in your door, or around a sturdy piece of furniture.
- Put the loop around your foot.
- First Exercise: (Your back should be to the door, your feet facing away from the door) Standing with your feet parallel (toes pointing forward), keeping your knee straight, lift your leg up to the front 10 times.
- Second Exercise: Turn your feet out (in a V shape), and lift your leg, bending your knee and dragging your toes up your shin, then extend your knee and point your leg out to the front 10 times.
- Third Exercise: (Turn your body 90 degrees so shoulder is next to the door) Standing with your feet parallel, keep your knee straight and lift your leg to the side 10 times.
- Fourth Exercise: Turn your feet out (in a V shape), and lift your leg, bending your knee and dragging your toes up your shin, then extend your knee and point your leg out to the side 10 times.
- Fifth Exercise: (Turn your body 90 degrees so you are facing the door) Standing with your feet parallel, keep your knee straight and lift your leg backwards 10 times.
- Sixth Exercise: Turn your feet out (in a V shape), and lift your leg, bending your knee and dragging your toes up your shin, then extend your knee and kick your leg out backwards 10 times.
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